function FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlStorageMultipleConditionsDifferentColumnsMultipleLanguages
Test handling multiple conditions on multiple columns of one field for multiple languages.
Tests both the result and the complexity of the query.
field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/ field_sql_storage.test, line 636
- FieldSqlStorageTestCase
- Tests field storage.
function testFieldSqlStorageMultipleConditionsDifferentColumnsMultipleLanguages() {
field_test_entity_info_translatable('test_entity', TRUE);
// Create the multi-column shape field
$field_name = strtolower($this->randomName());
$field = array(
'field_name' => $field_name,
'type' => 'shape',
'cardinality' => 4,
'translatable' => TRUE,
$field = field_create_field($field);
$instance = array(
'field_name' => $field_name,
'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
'settings' => array(
// Prevent warning from field_test_field_load().
'test_hook_field_load' => FALSE,
$instance = field_create_instance($instance);
$entity = field_test_create_stub_entity(NULL, NULL);
$entity->{$field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = array(
'shape' => 'A',
'color' => 'X',
$entity->{$field_name}['en'][0] = array(
'shape' => 'B',
'color' => 'Y',
$entity = field_test_entity_test_load($entity->ftid);
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
// This tag causes field_test_query_store_global_test_query_alter() to be
// invoked so that the query can be tested.
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'test_entity');
$query->entityCondition('bundle', 'test_bundle');
$query->fieldCondition($field_name, 'color', 'X', '=', NULL, LANGUAGE_NONE);
$query->fieldCondition($field_name, 'shape', 'B', '=', NULL, 'en');
$result = field_sql_storage_field_storage_query($query);
// Test the results.
$this->assertEqual(1, count($result), format_string('One result should be returned, got @count', array(
'@count' => count($result),
// Test the complexity of the query.
$query = $GLOBALS['test_query'];
$this->assertNotNull($query, 'Precondition: the query should be available');
$tables = $query->getTables();
$this->assertEqual(2, count($tables), 'The query contains two tables.');
// Clean up.
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