function FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormUnlimited
field/ tests/ field.test, line 1755
function testFieldFormUnlimited() {
$this->field = $this->field_unlimited;
$this->field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
$this->instance['field_name'] = $this->field_name;
$langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
// Display creation form -> 1 widget.
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
$this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][1][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
// Press 'add more' button -> 2 widgets.
$this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add another item'));
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][0][value]", '', 'Widget 1 is displayed');
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][1][value]", '', 'New widget is displayed');
$this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][2][value]", 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
// TODO : check that non-field inpurs are preserved ('title')...
// Yet another time so that we can play with more values -> 3 widgets.
$this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add another item'));
// Prepare values and weights.
$count = 3;
$delta_range = $count - 1;
$values = $weights = $pattern = $expected_values = $edit = array();
for ($delta = 0; $delta <= $delta_range; $delta++) {
// Assign unique random values and weights.
do {
$value = mt_rand(1, 127);
} while (in_array($value, $values));
do {
$weight = mt_rand(-$delta_range, $delta_range);
} while (in_array($weight, $weights));
$edit["{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][value]"] = $value;
$edit["{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][_weight]"] = $weight;
// We'll need three slightly different formats to check the values.
$values[$delta] = $value;
$weights[$delta] = $weight;
$field_values[$weight]['value'] = (string) $value;
$pattern[$weight] = "<input [^>]*value=\"{$value}\" [^>]*";
// Press 'add more' button -> 4 widgets
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add another item'));
for ($delta = 0; $delta <= $delta_range; $delta++) {
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][value]", $values[$delta], "Widget {$delta} is displayed and has the right value");
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][_weight]", $weights[$delta], "Widget {$delta} has the right weight");
$pattern = implode('.*', array_values($pattern));
$this->assertPattern("|{$pattern}|s", 'Widgets are displayed in the correct order');
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][value]", '', "New widget is displayed");
$this->assertFieldByName("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][{$delta}][_weight]", $delta, "New widget has the right weight");
$this->assertNoField("{$this->field_name}[{$langcode}][" . ($delta + 1) . '][value]', 'No extraneous widget is displayed');
// Submit the form and create the entity.
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
preg_match('|test-entity/manage/(\\d+)/edit|', $this->url, $match);
$id = $match[1];
$this->assertRaw(t('test_entity @id has been created.', array(
'@id' => $id,
)), 'Entity was created');
$entity = field_test_entity_test_load($id);
$field_values = array_values($field_values);
$this->assertIdentical($entity->{$this->field_name}[$langcode], $field_values, 'Field values were saved in the correct order');
// Display edit form: check that the expected number of widgets is
// displayed, with correct values change values, reorder, leave an empty
// value in the middle.
// Submit: check that the entity is updated with correct values
// Re-submit: check that the field can be emptied.
// Test with several multiple fields in a form
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