Test min/max resolution settings.


modules/image/image.test, line 1310
Tests for image.module.


Test class to check for various validations.


function testResolution() {
  $field_name = strtolower($this
  $min_resolution = 50;
  $max_resolution = 100;
  $instance_settings = array(
    'max_resolution' => $max_resolution . 'x' . $max_resolution,
    'min_resolution' => $min_resolution . 'x' . $min_resolution,
    ->createImageField($field_name, 'article', array(), $instance_settings);

  // We want a test image that is too small, and a test image that is too
  // big, so cycle through test image files until we have what we need.
  $image_that_is_too_big = FALSE;
  $image_that_is_too_small = FALSE;
  foreach ($this
    ->drupalGetTestFiles('image') as $image) {
    $info = image_get_info($image->uri);
    if ($info['width'] > $max_resolution) {
      $image_that_is_too_big = $image;
    if ($info['width'] < $min_resolution) {
      $image_that_is_too_small = $image;
    if ($image_that_is_too_small && $image_that_is_too_big) {
  $nid = $this
    ->uploadNodeImage($image_that_is_too_small, $field_name, 'article');
    ->assertText(t('The specified file ' . $image_that_is_too_small->filename . ' could not be uploaded. The image is too small; the minimum dimensions are 50x50 pixels.'), 'Node save failed when minimum image resolution was not met.');
  $nid = $this
    ->uploadNodeImage($image_that_is_too_big, $field_name, 'article');
    ->assertText(t('The image was resized to fit within the maximum allowed dimensions of 100x100 pixels.'), 'Image exceeding max resolution was properly resized.');

  // Verify that image resolution can contain only positive numbers.
  $edit = array(
    'instance[settings][max_resolution][x]' => -10,
    'instance[settings][max_resolution][y]' => -10,
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/' . $field_name, $edit, t('Save settings'));
    ->assertRaw(t('Height and width values must be positive numbers.'));
  $edit = array(
    'instance[settings][max_resolution][x]' => 'x',
    'instance[settings][max_resolution][y]' => 'x',
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/' . $field_name, $edit, t('Save settings'));
    ->assertRaw(t('Height and width values must be numeric.'));