function LocaleUrlRewritingTest::checkUrl

Check URL rewriting for the given language.

The test is performed with a fixed URL (the default front page) to simply check that language prefixes are not added to it and that the prefixed URL is actually not working.


string $language: The language prefix, e.g. 'es'.

string $message1: Message to display in assertion that language prefixes are not added.

string $message2: The message to display confirming prefixed URL is not working.

1 call to LocaleUrlRewritingTest::checkUrl()
LocaleUrlRewritingTest::testUrlRewritingEdgeCases in modules/locale/locale.test
Check that disabled or non-installed languages are not considered.


modules/locale/locale.test, line 2690


Test that URL rewriting works as expected.


private function checkUrl($language, $message1, $message2) {
    $options = array(
        'language' => $language,
    $base_path = trim(base_path(), '/');
    $rewritten_path = trim(str_replace(array(
    ), '', url('node', $options)), '/');
    $segments = explode('/', $rewritten_path, 2);
    $prefix = $segments[0];
    $path = isset($segments[1]) ? $segments[1] : $prefix;
    // If the rewritten URL has not a language prefix we pick the right one from
    // the language object so we can always check the prefixed URL.
    if ($this->assertNotEqual($language->prefix, $prefix, $message1)) {
        $prefix = $language->prefix;
    $this->assertResponse(404, $message2);

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