13 string references to YAML keys in ajax_example.routing.yml
- AjaxExampleController::renderLinkRenderableArray in modules/
ajax_example/ src/ Controller/ AjaxExampleController.php - Demonstrates a clickable AJAX-enabled link using the 'use-ajax' class.
- AjaxExampleMenuTest::testAjaxExampleLinks in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ AjaxExampleMenuTest.php - Tests links.
- AjaxWizardTest::testWizardPreviousStepsValues in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ AjaxWizardTest.php - Test that the previous values are correctly displayed.
- AjaxWizardTest::testWizardSteps in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ AjaxWizardTest.php - Test that we can successfully submit the wizard following the steps.
- AutotextfieldsTest::testAutotextfields in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ AutotextfieldsTest.php - Test the user interactions for the Autotextfields example.
- DependentDropdownTest::testDependentDropdown in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ DependentDropdownTest.php - Test the dependent dropdown form with AJAX.
- DependentDropdownTest::testDependentDropdown in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DependentDropdownTest.php - Test the dependent dropdown form without AJAX.
- DynamicFormSectionsTest::testDynamicFormSections in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ DynamicFormSectionsTest.php - Test the dependent dropdown form with AJAX.
- DynamicFormSectionsTest::testDynamicFormSections in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ DynamicFormSectionsTest.php - Test the dynamic sections form without AJAX.
- EntityAutocompleteTest::testSubmitDriven in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ EntityAutocompleteTest.php - Test the behavior of the submit-driven AJAX example.
- SimplestTest::testAutotextfields in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ SimplestTest.php - Test AJAX behavior for the dropdown selector.
- SubmitDrivenTest::testSubmitDriven in modules/
ajax_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ SubmitDrivenTest.php - Test the behavior of the submit-driven AJAX example.
- _examples_toolbar_routes in ./
examples.module - Get a list of toolbar links for testing toolbar routes.