6 string references to YAML keys in content_entity_example.routing.yml
- ContactDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in modules/
content_entity_example/ src/ Form/ ContactDeleteForm.php - If the delete command is canceled, return to the contact list.
- ContactDeleteForm::submitForm in modules/
content_entity_example/ src/ Form/ ContactDeleteForm.php - Delete the entity and log the event. logger() replaces the watchdog.
- ContactForm::save in modules/
content_entity_example/ src/ Form/ ContactForm.php - Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
- ContactListBuilder::render in modules/
content_entity_example/ src/ Entity/ Controller/ ContactListBuilder.php - We override ::render() so that we can add our own content above the table. parent::render() is where EntityListBuilder creates the table using our buildHeader() and buildRow() implementations.
- ContentEntityExampleTest::testCreateAdminPermission in modules/
content_entity_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContentEntityExampleTest.php - Ensure admin and permissioned users can create contacts.
- _examples_toolbar_routes in ./
examples.module - Get a list of toolbar links to provide.