function FileExampleSubmitHandlerHelper::handleFileDelete
Submit handler to delete a file.
array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form.
\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.
file_example/ src/ FileExampleSubmitHandlerHelper.php, line 328
- FileExampleSubmitHandlerHelper
- A submit handler helper class for the file_example module.
public function handleFileDelete(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$form_values = $form_state->getValues();
$uri = $form_values['fileops_file'];
// Since we don't know if the file is managed or not, look in the database
// to see. Normally, code would be working with either managed or unmanaged
// files, so this is not a typical situation.
$file_object = $this->fileHelper
// If a managed file, use file_delete().
if (!empty($file_object)) {
// While file_delete should return FALSE on failure,
// it can currently throw an exception on certain cache states.
try {
// This no longer returns a result code. If things go bad,
// it will throw an exception:
->addMessage($this->t('Successfully deleted managed file %uri', [
'%uri' => $uri,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
->addMessage($this->t('Failed deleting managed file %uri. Result was %result', [
'%uri' => $uri,
'%result' => print_r($e->getMessage(), TRUE),
]), 'error');
else {
$result = $this->fileSystem
if ($result !== TRUE) {
->addError($this->t('Failed deleting unmanaged file %uri', [
'%uri' => $uri,
else {
->addMessage($this->t('Successfully deleted unmanaged file %uri', [
'%uri' => $uri,