16 string references to YAML keys in form_api_example.routing.yml
- AjaxColorFormTest::testAjaxColorForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ AjaxColorFormTest.php - Functional test of the color temperature AJAX dropdown form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestAjaxAddMore in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the Ajax Add More demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestAjaxColorForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the ajax demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestBuildDemo in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the build demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestContainerDemoForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the container demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestInputDemoForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the input demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestModalForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the modal form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestSimpleFormExample in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Check routes defined by form_api_example.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestStateDemoForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the state demo form.
- FapiExampleTest::doTestVerticalTabsDemoForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FapiExampleTest.php - Test the vertical tabs demo form.
- InputDemo::buildForm in modules/
form_api_example/ src/ Form/ InputDemo.php - Form constructor.
- ModalForm::buildForm in modules/
form_api_example/ src/ Form/ ModalForm.php - Form constructor.
- ModalFormTest::testModalForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ ModalFormTest.php - Functional test of the modal form example.
- MultistepFormTest::testWizardForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ Functional/ MultistepFormTest.php - Test of paths through the example wizard form.
- StateDemoTest::testStateForm in modules/
form_api_example/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ StateDemoTest.php - Functional tests for the StateDemo example form.
- _examples_toolbar_routes in ./
examples.module - Get a list of toolbar links to provide.