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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesTriggerTestCase class tests/rules.test Test triggering rules.
RulesTriggerTestCase::createTestRule function tests/rules.test Helper function to create a test Rule.
RulesTriggerTestCase::getInfo function tests/rules.test Declares test metadata.
RulesTriggerTestCase::setUp function tests/rules.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp().
RulesTriggerTestCase::testBasicReactionRule function tests/rules.test Tests creating and triggering a basic reaction rule.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testDefaultRule function tests/rules.test Tests the provided default rule 'rules_test_default_1'.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testEventSettings function tests/rules.test Tests creating and triggering a reaction rule with event settings.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testReactiveRuleCreation function tests/rules.test Tests CRUD for reaction rules - making sure the events are stored properly.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testRecursionOnDifferentArguments function tests/rules.test Tests recursion prevention with altered arguments.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testRecursionPrevention function tests/rules.test Tests preventing recursive rule invocations.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testVariableHandler function tests/rules.test Tests a rule using a handler to load a variable.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testVariableHandlerFailing function tests/rules.test Tests aborting silently when handlers are not able to load.
RulesUICategory class ui/ Class holding category related methods.
RulesUICategory::getCategory function ui/ Gets the category for the given item info array.
RulesUICategory::getInfo function ui/ Gets info about all available categories, or about a specific category.
RulesUICategory::getItemGroup function ui/ Returns a group label, e.g. as usable for opt-groups in a select list.
RulesUICategory::getOptions function ui/ Returns an array of options to use with a select.
RulesUIController class ui/ Controller class for the Rules UI.
RulesUIController::$cache property ui/
RulesUIController::$event_info property ui/
RulesUIController::config_menu function ui/ Generates menu items to manipulate rules configurations.
RulesUIController::overviewTable function ui/ Generates the render array for an overview configuration table.
RulesUIController::overviewTableRow function ui/ Generates the row for a single rules config.
RulesUiTestCase class rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests for creating rules through the UI.
RulesUiTestCase::getInfo function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Declares test metadata.
RulesUiTestCase::getTestRuleExport function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Helper function to return a known JSON encoded rule export.
RulesUiTestCase::setUp function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp().
RulesUiTestCase::testComponentPermissions function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests setting component permissions in the UI.
RulesUiTestCase::testComponentVariables function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests setting component variables in the UI.
RulesUiTestCase::testConditionLabel function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests that NOT condition labels are not HTML-encoded in the UI.
RulesUiTestCase::testContainerPluginLabel function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests that the title for embedded container plugins displays properly.
RulesUiTestCase::testOverrideStatus function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests overriding and reverting configurations.
RulesURIInputEvaluator class modules/ A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing URI inputs.
RulesURIInputEvaluator::evaluate function modules/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::evaluate().
RulesURIInputEvaluator::prepare function modules/ Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::prepare().
rules_action function ./rules.module Returns a new rules action.
rules_action_add_node_upgrade function includes/
rules_action_add_node_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_block_ip function modules/ Action: Block an IP address.
rules_action_breadcrumb_set function modules/ Action: Set breadcrumb.
rules_action_create_type_validate function modules/ Validate callback for entity create, add variable and data create actions.
rules_action_custom_php_upgrade_map_name function includes/
rules_action_data_calc function modules/ Action: Calculate a value.
rules_action_data_calc_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the data calculation action.
rules_action_data_calc_info_alter function modules/ Info alter callback for the data_calc action.
rules_action_data_calc_operator_options function modules/ Options list callback for the data calculation action.
rules_action_data_convert function modules/ Action: Convert a value.
rules_action_data_convert_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for variable add action.
rules_action_data_convert_rounding_behavior_options function modules/ Data conversation action: Options list callback for rounding behavior.
rules_action_data_convert_types_options function modules/ Data conversation action: Options list callback for the target type.