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Title Object type File name Summary
hook_rules_element_upgrade_alter function ./rules.api.php D6 to D7 upgrade process hook for mapping action or condition configuration.
RulesAbstractPlugin::$elementName property includes/
RulesAbstractPlugin::getElementName function includes/ Gets the name of the configured action or condition.
RulesElementMap class ui/ Helper object for mapping elements to ids.
RulesElementMap::$configuration property ui/
RulesElementMap::$counter property ui/
RulesElementMap::$index property ui/
RulesElementMap::getUnIndexedElements function ui/
RulesElementMap::index function ui/ Makes sure each element has an assigned id.
RulesElementMap::lookup function ui/ Looks up the element with the given id.
RulesElementMap::__construct function ui/ Constructor.
RulesEvaluationException::$element property includes/
RulesI18nStringObjectWrapper::buildElementProperties function rules_i18n/ Adds in translatable properties of the given element.
RulesIntegrityException::$element property includes/
RulesPlugin::$elementId property includes/ Identifies an element inside a configuration.
RulesPlugin::elementId function includes/ Returns the element id, which identifies the element inside the config.
RulesPlugin::elementMap function includes/ Gets the element map helper object, which helps mapping elements to ids.
RulesPlugin::elements function includes/ Iterate over all elements nested below the current element.
RulesPlugin::parentElement function includes/ Returns the element's parent.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::$element property includes/
RulesPluginUI::$element property ui/
RulesRecursiveElementIterator class includes/ A RecursiveIterator for rule elements.
RulesRecursiveElementIterator::getChildren function includes/
RulesRecursiveElementIterator::hasChildren function includes/
rules_element_info function ./rules.module Implements hook_element_info().
rules_element_invoke_component function modules/ Action and condition callback: Invokes a rules component.
rules_element_invoke_component_access_callback function modules/ Access callback for the invoke component condition/action.
rules_element_invoke_component_features_export function modules/ Implements the features export callback of the RulesPluginFeaturesIntegrationInterface.
rules_element_invoke_component_operations function modules/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::operations() for the action.
rules_element_invoke_component_validate function modules/ Validate callback to make sure the invoked component exists and is not dirty.
rules_element_load function ./rules.module Menu callback for loading rules configuration elements.
rules_element_sort_helper function ui/ Helper to sort elements by their 'weight' key.
rules_menu_add_element_title function ./rules.module Menu callback for getting the title for the add element page.
rules_ui_add_element function ui/ Add a new element a rules configuration.
rules_ui_add_element_submit function ui/ Add element submit callback.
rules_ui_delete_element function ui/ Delete elements.
rules_ui_delete_element_submit function ui/ Rule config deletion form submit callback.
rules_ui_edit_element function ui/ Configure a rule element.
rules_ui_edit_element_submit function ui/ Submit the element configuration.
rules_ui_edit_element_validate function ui/ Validate the element configuration.
rules_ui_element_date_validate function ui/ FAPI validation of a date element.
rules_ui_element_decimal_validate function ui/ FAPI validation of a decimal element.
rules_ui_element_duration_after_build function ui/ FAPI after build callback for the duration parameter type form.
rules_ui_element_duration_multipliers function ui/ Defines possible duration multiplier.
rules_ui_element_duration_process function ui/ FAPI process callback for the duration element type.
rules_ui_element_duration_value function ui/ Helper function a rules duration form element.
rules_ui_element_fix_empty_after_build function ui/ FAPI after build callback to ensure empty form elements result in no value.
rules_ui_element_integer_list_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate a list of integers.
rules_ui_element_integer_validate function ui/ FAPI validation of an integer element.
rules_ui_element_ip_address_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate an IP address.