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Title Object type File name Summary
rules_invoke_event function ./rules.module Invokes configured rules for the given event.
rules_invoke_event_by_args function ./rules.module Invokes configured rules for the given event.
rules_node_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info() on behalf of the node module.
rules_rules_event_info function ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_system_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info() on behalf of the system module.
rules_taxonomy_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_test_rules_event_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_ui_add_event function ui/ Add a new event.
rules_ui_add_event_apply function ui/ Submit callback that just adds the selected event.
rules_ui_add_event_page function ui/ Form builder for the "add event" page.
rules_ui_add_event_page_submit function ui/ Submit the event configuration.
rules_ui_add_event_validate function ui/ Validation callback for adding an event.
rules_ui_remove_event function ui/ Form to remove an event from a rule.
rules_ui_remove_event_submit function ui/ Submit the event configuration.
rules_user_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().