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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
rules_system_integration_access function modules/ System integration access callback.
rules_system_log_get_message function modules/ Getter callback for the log entry message property.
rules_taxonomy_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_taxonomy_term_integration_access function modules/ Taxonomy term integration access callback.
rules_taxonomy_vocabulary_integration_access function modules/ Taxonomy vocabulary integration access callback. file tests/ name = "Rules Tests"
description = "Support module for the Rules tests."
package = Testing
core = 7.x
files[] =
hidden = TRUE
rules_test.module file tests/rules_test.module Rules test module. file tests/ Includes any rules integration provided by the module. file tests/ Includes any Rules integration provided by the module. file tests/ Include file for testing file inclusion.
rules_test_action function tests/ Test action doing nothing exception logging it has been called.
rules_test_condition_apostrophe function tests/ Condition testing use of an apostrophe in a condition label.
rules_test_condition_false function tests/ Condition implementation returning false.
rules_test_condition_node_wrapped function tests/ Condition implementation receiving the node wrapped.
rules_test_condition_true function tests/ Condition implementation returning true.
rules_test_custom_help function tests/ Custom help callback for the rules_node_publish_action().
rules_test_custom_node_save function tests/ Extender for the node data type.
rules_test_default_rules_configuration function tests/ Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().
rules_test_entity_property_info_alter function tests/rules_test.module Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter() to add a property without
rules_test_get_referenced_entity function tests/rules_test.module Getter callback to get the referenced-entity property.
rules_test_get_referenced_node function tests/rules_test.module Getter callback to get the referenced-node list-property. file tests/ name = "Rules Test invocation"
description = "Helper module to test Rules invocations."
package = Testing
core = 7.x
hidden = TRUE
rules_test_invocation.module file tests/rules_test_invocation.module Helper module for Rules invocation testing.
rules_test_invocation_node_load function tests/rules_test_invocation.module Implements hook_node_load().
rules_test_no_access function tests/rules_test.module Access callback. Returns TRUE except when $op == 'edit'.
rules_test_rules_action_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_test_rules_condition_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
rules_test_rules_data_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_data_info().
rules_test_rules_data_info_alter function tests/ Implements hook_rules_data_info_alter().
rules_test_rules_event_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_test_rules_file_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_file_info().
rules_test_rules_plugin_info function tests/ Implements hook_rules_plugin_info().
rules_test_type_save function tests/ Action: Test saving - nothing to do here.
rules_theme function ./rules.module Implements hook_theme().
rules_tokens function ./rules.module Implements hook_tokens().
rules_token_info function ./rules.module Implements hook_token_info().
rules_ui function ./rules.module Returns an instance of the rules UI controller.
rules_ui_add_element function ui/ Add a new element a rules configuration.
rules_ui_add_element_submit function ui/ Add element submit callback.
rules_ui_add_event function ui/ Add a new event.
rules_ui_add_event_apply function ui/ Submit callback that just adds the selected event.
rules_ui_add_event_page function ui/ Form builder for the "add event" page.
rules_ui_add_event_page_submit function ui/ Submit the event configuration.
rules_ui_add_event_validate function ui/ Validation callback for adding an event.
rules_ui_add_reaction_rule_submit function rules_admin/ Form submit callback.
rules_ui_add_reaction_rule_validate function rules_admin/ Form validation callback.
rules_ui_confirm_operations function ui/ Gets the confirmation question for valid operations, or else FALSE.
rules_ui_confirm_operation_apply function ui/ Applies the operation and returns the message to show to the user.
rules_ui_delete_element function ui/ Delete elements.
rules_ui_delete_element_submit function ui/ Rule config deletion form submit callback.