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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule class includes/ An actual rule.
rule function ./rules.module Creates a new rule.

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Title Object type File name Summary
rules_update_7211 function ./rules.install Creates the "owner" column.
rules_update_7212 function ./rules.install Make sure registry gets rebuilt to avoid upgrade troubles.
rules_update_7213 function ./rules.install Recover the "owner" property for broken configurations.
rules_update_7214 function ./rules.install Switch out the rules_event_whitelist variable for a cache equivalent.
rules_update_7215 function ./rules.install Add an index for retrieving active config of a certain plugin.
rules_update_array function ./rules.module Merges the $update array into $array.
rules_upgrade_confirm_clear_form function includes/ Confirm form for deleting data.
rules_upgrade_confirm_clear_form_submit function includes/ Submit handler for deleting data.
rules_upgrade_convert_element function includes/ Convert a single element.
rules_upgrade_convert_rule function includes/ Converts a single reaction rule.
rules_upgrade_convert_rule_set function includes/ Converts a single rule set, including all of its rules.
rules_upgrade_element_parameter_settings function includes/ Converts the settings for a given parameter.
rules_upgrade_element_variable_settings function includes/ Converts the settings for a given variable.
rules_upgrade_form function includes/ Form builder for the upgrade page.
rules_upgrade_form_submit function includes/ Submit handler for the form.
rules_upgrade_plugin_factory function includes/ Creates the right element.
rules_user_account_email_options_list function modules/ Options list callback for user account e-mail types.
rules_user_action_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the user module.
rules_user_cancel_methods function modules/ Options list for user cancel methods.
rules_user_condition_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_condition_info() on behalf of the user module.
rules_user_condition_operations function modules/ Options list callback for the operation parameter of condition user has role.
rules_user_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_user_file_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the user module.
rules_user_integration_access function modules/ User integration access callback.
rules_user_login function modules/ Implements hook_user_login().
rules_user_logout function modules/ Implements hook_user_logout().
rules_user_roles_options_list function modules/ Options list callback for user roles.
rules_user_role_change_access function modules/ User integration role actions access callback.
rules_watchdog function modules/ Implements hook_watchdog().
rules_wrap_data function ./rules.module Wraps the given data. file modules/ Rules integration for the system module. file modules/ Rules integration for the taxonomy_term module.
theme_rules_autocomplete function ui/ Themes rules autocomplete forms.
theme_rules_content_group function ui/ Themes a view of multiple configuration items.
theme_rules_data_selector_help function ui/ Themes help for using the data selector.
theme_rules_debug_element function ui/ Theme rules debug log elements.
theme_rules_elements function ui/ Themes a tree of rule elements in a draggable table.
theme_rules_log function ui/ Themes the rules log debug output.
theme_rules_parameter_configuration function ui/ Themes the view of a single parameter configuration.
theme_rules_settings_help function ui/ General theme function for displaying settings related help.
theme_rules_ui_variable_form function ui/ Themes the rules form for editing the used variables.
theme_rules_variable_view function ui/ Themes info about variables. file modules/ Rules integration for the user module.
_rules_discover_module function ./rules.module Determines the module providing the given class.
_rules_export_get_test_export function tests/ Defines the export of rule for testing import/export.
_rules_import_get_plugin function includes/ Determines the plugin to be used for importing a child element.
_rules_rebuild_cache function ./rules.module Rebuilds the rules cache.
_rules_rebuild_component_cache function ./rules.module Cache components to allow efficient usage via rules_invoke_component().
_rules_rules_collect_items function ./ Returns all items for a hook applying the right module defaults.
_rules_system_token_map_type function modules/ Looks for a token type mapping. Defaults to passing through the type.