function RulesContainerPlugin::executeByArgs

Executes container with the given arguments.

Condition containers just return a boolean while action containers return the configured provided variables as an array of variables.

Overrides RulesPlugin::executeByArgs

1 method overrides RulesContainerPlugin::executeByArgs()
RulesEventSet::executeByArgs in includes/
Executes container with the given arguments.


includes/, line 2346


Base class for ContainerPlugins like Rules, Logical Operations or Loops.


public function executeByArgs($args = array()) {
    $replacements = array(
        '%label' => $this->label(),
        '@plugin' => $this->itemName,
    rules_log('Executing @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, TRUE);
    $state = $this->setUpState($args);
    // Handle recursion prevention.
    if ($state->isBlocked($this)) {
        return rules_log('Not evaluating @plugin %label to prevent recursion.', array(
            '%label' => $this->label(),
            '@plugin' => $this->plugin(),
        ), RulesLog::INFO);
    // Block the config to prevent any future recursion.
    module_invoke_all('rules_config_execute', $this);
    $result = $this->evaluate($state);
    $return = $this->returnVariables($state, $result);
    rules_log('Finished executing of @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, FALSE);
    return $return;