function RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache

Resets any internal static caches.

This function does not reset regular caches as retrieved via rules_get_cache(). Usually, it's invoked automatically when a Rules configuration is modified.

Static caches are reset for the element and any elements down the tree. To clear static caches of the whole configuration, invoke the function at the root.

See also


1 call to RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache()
RulesAbstractPlugin::processSettings in includes/
Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
1 method overrides RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache()
RulesContainerPlugin::resetInternalCache in includes/
Resets any internal static caches.


includes/, line 1500


Base class for rules plugins.


public function resetInternalCache() {
    $this->availableVariables = NULL;