11 calls to RulesExtendable::__call()

RulesAbstractPlugin::access in includes/rules.core.inc
Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
RulesAbstractPlugin::dependencies in includes/rules.core.inc
Calculates an array of required modules.
RulesAbstractPlugin::processSettings in includes/rules.core.inc
Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
RulesAbstractPlugin::setUp in includes/rules.core.inc
RulesAbstractPlugin::variableInfoAssertions in includes/rules.core.inc
Returns asserted additions to the available variable info.
RulesAction::executeCallback in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Execute the callback and update/save data as specified by the action.
RulesCondition::executeCallback in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Execute the configured execution callback and log that.
RulesPlugin::form in includes/rules.core.inc
Seamlessly invokes the method implemented via faces.
RulesPlugin::form_submit in includes/rules.core.inc
RulesPlugin::form_validate in includes/rules.core.inc
RulesPlugin::optimize in includes/rules.core.inc
Optimizes a rule configuration in order to speed up evaluation.