7 calls to rules_unwrap_data()

RulesPHPEvaluator::evaluate in modules/php.eval.inc
Evaluates PHP code contained in $text.
RulesPlugin::getArgument in includes/rules.core.inc
Returns the argument for the parameter $name described with $info.
RulesPlugin::getExecutionArguments in includes/rules.core.inc
Gets the right arguments for executing the element.
RulesPlugin::returnVariables in includes/rules.core.inc
Gets variables to return once the configuration has been executed.
RulesState::get in includes/rules.state.inc
Gets a variable.
RulesTokenEvaluator::evaluate in modules/system.eval.inc
Evaluate tokens.
rules_execute_php_eval in modules/php.eval.inc
Action and condition callback: Execute PHP code.