7 calls to rules_wrap_data()

RulesData::matchingDataSelector in includes/rules.state.inc
Returns data for the given info and the to-be-configured parameter.
RulesIntegrationTestCase::testTaxonomyIntegration in tests/rules.test
Tests integration for the taxonomy module.
RulesPlugin::applyDataSelector in includes/rules.core.inc
Applies the given data selector.
RulesPlugin::getArgument in includes/rules.core.inc
Returns the argument for the parameter $name described with $info.
RulesState::addVariable in includes/rules.state.inc
Adds the given variable to the given execution state.
RulesState::get in includes/rules.state.inc
Gets a variable.
rules_action_data_create_array in modules/data.eval.inc
Creation callback for array structured data.