function RulesDebugLog::getLogs

Returns a structured array of log entries.

Return value

array Array of stored log entries, keyed by an integer log line number. Each element of the array contains the following keys:

  • message: The log message, optionally with FormattedMarkup placeholders.
  • context: An array of message placeholder replacements.
  • level: \Psr\Log\LogLevel level.
  • timestamp: Microtime timestamp in float format.
  • scope: TRUE if there are nested logs for this entry, FALSE if this is the last of the nested entries.
  • path: Path to edit this component.
1 call to RulesDebugLog::getLogs()
RulesDebugLog::build in src/Logger/RulesDebugLog.php
Assembles the entire log into a render array.


src/Logger/RulesDebugLog.php, line 91


Logger that stores Rules debug logs with the session service.




public function getLogs() : array {
    return (array) $this->session