19 calls to RulesPluginUI::path()

RulesContainerPluginUI::addOperations in ui/ui.core.inc
Gets the Add-* operations for the given element.
RulesDataUI::selectionForm in ui/ui.data.inc
Provides the selection form for a parameter.
RulesPluginUI::buildContent in ui/ui.core.inc
Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::defaultRedirect in ui/ui.core.inc
Determines the default redirect target for an edited/deleted element.
RulesPluginUI::operations in ui/ui.core.inc
Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormExtractValues in ui/ui.core.inc
RulesReactionRuleUI::form in ui/ui.plugins.inc
Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesRuleUI::form in ui/ui.plugins.inc
Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesUIController::overviewTableRow in ui/ui.controller.inc
Generates the row for a single rules config.
rules_admin_add_component_submit in rules_admin/rules_admin.inc
Final submit callback for adding a component.
rules_admin_settings_integrity_check_submit in rules_admin/rules_admin.inc
Form submit callback to check the integrity of all configurations.
rules_element_invoke_component_operations in modules/rules_core.rules.inc
Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::operations() for the action.
rules_log in ./rules.module
Log a message to the rules logger.
rules_permissions_by_component in ./rules.module
Helper function return permissions for components that have access exposed.
rules_ui_add_event in ui/ui.forms.inc
Add a new event.
rules_ui_confirm_operation_apply in ui/ui.forms.inc
Applies the operation and returns the message to show to the user.
rules_ui_delete_element in ui/ui.forms.inc
Delete elements.
rules_ui_remove_event in ui/ui.forms.inc
Form to remove an event from a rule.
rules_ui_remove_event_submit in ui/ui.forms.inc
Submit the event configuration.