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Title Object type File name Summary
field_views_field_label function modules/ Returns the label of a certain field.
ViewsTestCase::helperButtonHasLabel function tests/views_query.test Check whether a button with a certain id exists and has a certain label.
views_handler_area::label function handlers/
views_handler_field::element_label_classes function handlers/ Return the class of the field's label.
views_handler_field::element_label_type function handlers/ Return an HTML element for the label based upon the field's element type.
views_handler_field::label function handlers/ Get this field's label.
views_handler_relationship::label function handlers/ Get this field's label.
views_plugin_display::get_field_labels function plugins/ List of fields for the current display with the associated relationship.
views_ui_get_display_label function includes/ Placeholder function for overriding $display->display_title.