function views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::left_query
Generate a subquery given the user options, as set in the options. These are passed in rather than picked up from the object because we generate the subquery when the options are saved, rather than when the view is run. This saves considerable time.
array $options: An array of options that contains the following items:
- subquery_sort: the id of a views sort.
- subquery_order: either ASC or DESC.
Return value
string The subquery SQL string, ready for use in the main query.
1 call to views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::left_query()
- views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::query in handlers/ - Called to implement a relationship in a query. This is mostly a copy of our parent's query() except for this bit with the join class.
handlers/, line 188
- views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max
- Relationship handler that allows a groupwise maximum of the linked in table.
public function left_query($options) {
// Either load another view, or create one on the fly.
if ($options['subquery_view']) {
$temp_view = views_get_view($options['subquery_view']);
// Remove all fields from default display.
else {
// Create a new view object on the fly, which we use to generate a query
// object and then get the SQL we need for the subquery.
$temp_view = $this->get_temporary_view();
// Add the sort from the options to the default display.
list($sort_table, $sort_field) = explode('.', $options['subquery_sort']);
$sort_options = array(
'order' => $options['subquery_order'],
$temp_view->add_item('default', 'sort', $sort_table, $sort_field, $sort_options);
// Get the namespace string.
$temp_view->namespace = !empty($options['subquery_namespace']) ? '_' . $options['subquery_namespace'] : '_INNER';
$this->subquery_namespace = !empty($options['subquery_namespace']) ? '_' . $options['subquery_namespace'] : 'INNER';
// The value we add here does nothing, but doing this adds the right tables
// and puts in a WHERE clause with a placeholder we can grab later.
$temp_view->args[] = '**CORRELATED**';
// Add the base table ID field.
$temp_view->add_item('default', 'field', $this->definition['base'], $this->definition['field']);
// Add the correct argument for our relationship's base ie the "how to get
// back to base" argument; the relationship definition defines which one to
// use.
$temp_view->add_item('default', 'argument', $this->definition['argument table'], $this->definition['argument field']);
// Build the view. The creates the query object and produces the query
// string but does not run any queries.
// Now take the SelectQuery object the View has built and massage it
// somewhat so we can get the SQL query from it.
$subquery = $temp_view->build_info['query'];
// Workaround until is fixed.
// Remove all fields from the SELECT except the base id.
$fields =& $subquery->getFields();
foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field_name) {
// The base id for this subquery is stored in our definition.
if ($field_name != $this->definition['field']) {
// Make every alias in the subquery safe within the outer query by appending
// a namespace to it, '_inner' by default.
$tables =& $subquery->getTables();
foreach (array_keys($tables) as $table_name) {
$tables[$table_name]['alias'] .= $this->subquery_namespace;
// Namespace the join on every table.
if (isset($tables[$table_name]['condition'])) {
$tables[$table_name]['condition'] = $this->condition_namespace($tables[$table_name]['condition']);
// Namespace fields.
foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field_name) {
$fields[$field_name]['table'] .= $this->subquery_namespace;
$fields[$field_name]['alias'] .= $this->subquery_namespace;
// Namespace conditions.
$where =& $subquery->conditions();
$this->alter_subquery_condition($subquery, $where);
// Not sure why, but our sort order clause doesn't have a table.
// @todo The call to add_item() above to add the sort handler is probably
// wrong -- needs attention from someone who understands it.
// In the meantime, this works, but with a leap of faith.
$orders =& $subquery->getOrderBy();
$orders_tmp = array();
foreach ($orders as $order_key => $order) {
// Until is fixed, $order_key is a field
// alias from SELECT. De-alias it using the View object.
$sort_table = $temp_view->query->fields[$order_key]['table'];
$sort_field = $temp_view->query->fields[$order_key]['field'];
$orders_tmp[$sort_table . $this->subquery_namespace . '.' . $sort_field] = $order;
$orders = $orders_tmp;
// The query we get doesn't include the LIMIT, so add it here.
$subquery->range(0, 1);
// Clone the query object to force recompilation of the underlying where and
// having objects on the next step.
$subquery = clone $subquery;
// Add in Views Query Substitutions such as ***CURRENT_TIME***.
// Extract the SQL the temporary view built.
$subquery_sql = $subquery->__toString();
// Replace subquery argument placeholders.
$quoted = $subquery->getArguments();
$connection = Database::getConnection();
foreach ($quoted as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$quoted[$key] = implode(', ', array_map(array(
), $val));
elseif ($val === '**CORRELATED**') {
$quoted[$key] = $this->definition['outer field'];
else {
$quoted[$key] = $connection->quote($val);
$subquery_sql = strtr($subquery_sql, $quoted);
return $subquery_sql;