function views_join_subquery::build_join

Build the SQL for the join this object represents.


object $select_query: An Implements SelectQueryInterface.

string $table: The base table to join.

array $view_query: The source query, Implements views_plugin_query.

Overrides views_join::build_join


includes/, line 1774


Join handler for relationships that join with a subquery as the left field.


public function build_join($select_query, $table, $view_query) {
    if (empty($this->definition['table formula'])) {
        $right_table = "{" . $this->table . "}";
    else {
        $right_table = $this->definition['table formula'];
    // Add our join condition, using a subquery on the left instead of a field.
    $condition = "({$this->left_query}) = {$table['alias']}.{$this->field}";
    $arguments = array();
    // Tack on the extra.
    // This is just copied verbatim from the parent class, which itself has a
    // bug.
    // @see
    if (isset($this->extra)) {
        // If extra has been provided as string instead of an array, convert it
        // to an array.
        if (!is_array($this->extra)) {
            $this->extra = array(
        $extras = array();
        foreach ($this->extra as $info) {
            if (is_array($info)) {
                // Figure out the table name. Remember, only use aliases provided if
                // at all possible.
                $join_table = '';
                if (!array_key_exists('table', $info)) {
                    $join_table = $table['alias'] . '.';
                elseif (isset($info['table'])) {
                    $join_table = $info['table'] . '.';
                $placeholder = ':views_join_condition_' . $select_query->nextPlaceholder();
                if (is_array($info['value'])) {
                    $operator = !empty($info['operator']) ? $info['operator'] : 'IN';
                    // Transform from IN() notation to = notation if just one value.
                    if (count($info['value']) == 1) {
                        $info['value'] = array_shift($info['value']);
                        $operator = $operator == 'NOT IN' ? '!=' : '=';
                else {
                    $operator = !empty($info['operator']) ? $info['operator'] : '=';
                $extras[] = "{$join_table}{$info['field']} {$operator} {$placeholder}";
                $arguments[$placeholder] = $info['value'];
            elseif (is_string($info)) {
                $extras[] = $info;
        if ($extras) {
            if (count($extras) == 1) {
                $condition .= ' AND (' . array_shift($extras) . ')';
            else {
                $condition .= ' AND (' . implode(' ' . $this->extra_type . ' ', $extras) . ')';
    $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);