function views_plugin::summary_title

Returns the summary of the settings in the display.

8 methods override views_plugin::summary_title()
views_plugin_access::summary_title in plugins/
Return a string to display as the clickable title for the access control.
views_plugin_cache::summary_title in plugins/
Return a string to display as the clickable title for the access control.
views_plugin_pager::summary_title in plugins/
Return a string to display as the clickable title for the pager plugin.
views_plugin_query::summary_title in plugins/
Returns the summary of the settings in the display.
views_plugin_row_comment_view::summary_title in modules/comment/
Returns the summary of the settings in the display.

... See full list


includes/, line 569


Abstract base class to provide interface common to all plugins.


public function summary_title() {
    return t('Settings');