function views_plugin_display::export_plugin

Special handling for plugin export.

Plugins other than styles are stored in array with 'type' being the key to the plugin. For modern plugins, the options are stored in the 'options' array, but for legacy plugins (access and cache) options are stored as siblings to the type.


plugins/, line 3155


The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.


public function export_plugin($indent, $prefix, $storage, $option, $definition, $parents) {
    $output = '';
    $plugin_type = end($parents);
    $plugin = $this->get_plugin($plugin_type);
    if ($plugin) {
        // Write which plugin to use.
        $value = $storage[$option];
        $new_prefix = $prefix . "['{$plugin_type}']";
        $output .= $indent . $new_prefix . "['{$option}'] = '{$value}';\n";
        if ($plugin_type != 'access' && $plugin_type != 'cache') {
            $new_prefix .= "['options']";
        // Pass off to the plugin to export itself.
        $output .= $plugin->export_options($indent, $new_prefix);
    return $output;