function views_plugin_display::option_definition

Overrides views_object::option_definition

3 calls to views_plugin_display::option_definition()
views_plugin_display_attachment::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_plugin_display_block::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_plugin_display_page::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
3 methods override views_plugin_display::option_definition()
views_plugin_display_attachment::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_plugin_display_block::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_plugin_display_page::option_definition in plugins/
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.


plugins/, line 538


The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.


public function option_definition() {
    $options = array(
        'defaults' => array(
            'default' => array(
                'access' => TRUE,
                'cache' => TRUE,
                'query' => TRUE,
                'title' => TRUE,
                'css_class' => TRUE,
                'display_description' => FALSE,
                'use_ajax' => TRUE,
                'hide_attachment_summary' => TRUE,
                'hide_admin_links' => TRUE,
                'pager' => TRUE,
                'pager_options' => TRUE,
                'use_more' => TRUE,
                'use_more_always' => TRUE,
                'open_new_window' => FALSE,
                'use_more_text' => TRUE,
                'exposed_form' => TRUE,
                'exposed_form_options' => TRUE,
                'link_display' => TRUE,
                'link_url' => '',
                'group_by' => TRUE,
                'style_plugin' => TRUE,
                'style_options' => TRUE,
                'row_plugin' => TRUE,
                'row_options' => TRUE,
                'header' => TRUE,
                'footer' => TRUE,
                'empty' => TRUE,
                'relationships' => TRUE,
                'fields' => TRUE,
                'sorts' => TRUE,
                'arguments' => TRUE,
                'filters' => TRUE,
                'filter_groups' => TRUE,
            'export' => FALSE,
        'title' => array(
            'default' => '',
            'translatable' => TRUE,
        'enabled' => array(
            'default' => TRUE,
            'translatable' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'display_comment' => array(
            'default' => '',
        'css_class' => array(
            'default' => '',
            'translatable' => FALSE,
        'display_description' => array(
            'default' => '',
            'translatable' => TRUE,
        'use_ajax' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'hide_attachment_summary' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'hide_admin_links' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        // This is legacy code.
        // Items_per/offset/use_pager is moved to the pager plugin but the
        // automatic update path needs this items defined, so don't remove it.
        // @see views_plugin_display::init()
'items_per_page' => array(
            'default' => 10,
        'offset' => array(
            'default' => 0,
        'use_pager' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'use_more' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'use_more_always' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
            'export' => 'export_option_always',
        'use_more_text' => array(
            'default' => 'more',
            'translatable' => TRUE,
        'link_display' => array(
            'default' => '',
        'link_url' => array(
            'default' => '',
        'group_by' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
            'bool' => TRUE,
        'field_language' => array(
            'default' => '***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***',
        'field_language_add_to_query' => array(
            'default' => 1,
        // These types are all plugins that can have individual settings and
        // therefore need special handling.
'access' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'default' => 'none',
                    'export' => 'export_plugin',
                    'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_plugin',
        'cache' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'default' => 'none',
                    'export' => 'export_plugin',
                    'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_plugin',
        'query' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'default' => 'views_query',
                    'export' => 'export_plugin',
                'options' => array(
                    'default' => array(),
                    'export' => FALSE,
        // Note that exposed_form plugin has options in a separate array, while
        // access and cache do not. access and cache are legacy and that pattern
        // should not be repeated, but it is left as is to reduce the need to
        // modify older views. Let's consider the pattern used here to be the
        // template from which future plugins should be copied.
'exposed_form' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'default' => 'basic',
                    'export' => 'export_plugin',
                    'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_plugin',
                'options' => array(
                    'default' => array(),
                    'export' => FALSE,
        'pager' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'default' => 'full',
                    'export' => 'export_plugin',
                    'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_plugin',
                'options' => array(
                    'default' => array(),
                    'export' => FALSE,
        // Note that the styles have their options completely independent. Like
        // access and cache above, this is a legacy pattern and should not be
        // repeated.
'style_plugin' => array(
            'default' => 'default',
            'export' => 'export_style',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_style',
        'style_options' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => FALSE,
        'row_plugin' => array(
            'default' => 'fields',
            'export' => 'export_style',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_style',
        'row_options' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => FALSE,
        'exposed_block' => array(
            'default' => FALSE,
        'header' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'footer' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'empty' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        // We want these to export last.
        // These are the 5 handler types.
'relationships' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'fields' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'sorts' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'arguments' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
        'filter_groups' => array(
            'contains' => array(
                'operator' => array(
                    'default' => 'AND',
                'groups' => array(
                    'default' => array(
                        1 => 'AND',
        'filters' => array(
            'default' => array(),
            'export' => 'export_handler',
            'unpack_translatable' => 'unpack_handler',
    if (empty($this->definition['use pager'])) {
        $options['defaults']['default']['use_pager'] = FALSE;
        $options['defaults']['default']['items_per_page'] = FALSE;
        $options['defaults']['default']['offset'] = FALSE;
        $options['defaults']['default']['pager'] = FALSE;
        $options['pager']['contains']['type']['default'] = 'some';
    if ($this->is_default_display()) {
    foreach ($this->extender as $extender) {
    return $options;