function views_plugin_query_default::build_condition

Construct the "WHERE" or "HAVING" part of the query.

As views has to wrap the conditions from arguments with AND, a special group is wrapped around all conditions. This special group has the ID 0. There is other code in filters which makes sure that the group IDs are higher than zero.


string $where: Either 'where' or 'having'.

1 call to views_plugin_query_default::build_condition()
views_plugin_query_default::query in plugins/
Generate a query and a countquery from all of the information supplied to the object.


plugins/, line 1143


Object used to create a SELECT query.


public function build_condition($where = 'where') {
    $has_condition = FALSE;
    $has_arguments = FALSE;
    $has_filter = FALSE;
    $main_group = db_and();
    $filter_group = $this->group_operator == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
    foreach ($this->{$where} as $group => $info) {
        if (!empty($info['conditions'])) {
            $sub_group = $info['type'] == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
            foreach ($info['conditions'] as $clause) {
                // DBTNG doesn't support to add the same subquery twice to the main
                // query and the count query, so clone the subquery to have two
                // instances of the same object.
                // @see
                if (is_object($clause['value']) && $clause['value'] instanceof SelectQuery) {
                    $clause['value'] = clone $clause['value'];
                if ($clause['operator'] == 'formula') {
                    $has_condition = TRUE;
                    $sub_group->where($clause['field'], $clause['value']);
                else {
                    $has_condition = TRUE;
                    $sub_group->condition($clause['field'], $clause['value'], $clause['operator']);
            // Add the item to the filter group.
            if ($group != 0) {
                $has_filter = TRUE;
            else {
                $has_arguments = TRUE;
    if ($has_filter) {
    if (!$has_arguments && $has_condition) {
        return $filter_group;
    if ($has_arguments && $has_condition) {
        return $main_group;