function ViewsHandlerFieldTest::testEmptyText

Tests the usage of the empty text.


tests/handlers/views_handler_field.test, line 261


Tests the generic field handler.


public function testEmptyText() {
    $view = $this->getBasicView();
    $column_map_reversed = array_flip($this->column_map);
    $view->row_index = 0;
    $empty_text = $view->field['name']->options['empty'] = $this->randomName();
    $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']} = "";
    $render = $view->field['name']
    $this->assertIdentical($render, $empty_text, 'If a field is empty, the empty text should be used for the output.');
    $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']} = "0";
    $render = $view->field['name']
    $this->assertIdentical($render, "0", 'If a field is 0 and empty_zero is not checked, the empty text should not be used for the output.');
    $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']} = "0";
    $view->field['name']->options['empty_zero'] = TRUE;
    $render = $view->field['name']
    $this->assertIdentical($render, $empty_text, 'If a field is 0 and empty_zero is checked, the empty text should be used for the output.');
    $view->result[0]->{$column_map_reversed['name']} = "";
    $view->field['name']->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
    $alter_text = $view->field['name']->options['alter']['text'] = $this->randomName();
    $view->field['name']->options['hide_alter_empty'] = FALSE;
    $render = $view->field['name']
    $this->assertIdentical($render, $alter_text, 'If a field is empty, some rewrite text exists, but hide_alter_empty is not checked, render the rewrite text.');
    $view->field['name']->options['hide_alter_empty'] = TRUE;
    $render = $view->field['name']
    $this->assertIdentical($render, $empty_text, 'If a field is empty, some rewrite text exists, and hide_alter_empty is checked, use the empty text.');