Search for access

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Title Object type File name Summary
page_manager_node_view_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_page_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_page_access_restrictions function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Return a list of arguments used by this task.
page_manager_page_ctools_access_get function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of task.
page_manager_page_ctools_access_set function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of task.
page_manager_page_form_access function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Form to handle menu item controls.
page_manager_page_form_access_submit function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Submit handler to deal with access control changes.
page_manager_poll_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_search_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_get function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler.
page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_set function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler.
page_manager_term_view_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_user_edit_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
page_manager_user_view_access_check function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
stylizer_ui::access function stylizer/plugins/export_ui/stylizer_ui.class.php Menu callback to determine if an operation is accessible.
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_check function term_depth/plugins/access/ Check for access.
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_settings function term_depth/plugins/access/ Settings form for the 'term depth' access plugin.
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_settings_submit function term_depth/plugins/access/ Submit function for the access plugins settings.
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_summary function term_depth/plugins/access/ Provide a summary description based upon the checked terms.
theme_ctools_access_admin_add function includes/ Theme the 'add' portion of the access form into a table.
_ctools_entity_access function includes/ Core hack to include entity api-esque 'access callback' functions to core
entities without needing to rely on entity api.
Exception: We don't touch file entity. You must have entity API enabled to
view files.
_ctools_entity_field_value_ctools_access_get_child function plugins/access/
_ctools_entity_field_value_ctools_access_get_conf_field_values function plugins/access/
_ctools_term_vocabulary_ctools_access_map_vids function plugins/access/ Helper function to map the vids from old features to the new machine_name.