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CtoolsCssTestCase::testCssFilterMergeProperties function tests/css.test Test that when the CSS has two properties defined they are merged.
CtoolsCssTestCase::testCssFilterURLHandling function tests/css.test Test that in case that url is used, the colons survives filtering.
CtoolsCssTestCase::testCssStoreFilterRetrieve function tests/css.test Test that Stored CSS snippets can be retrieved, filtered or otherwise.
ctools_context_filter function includes/ Return a keyed array of context that match the given 'required context'
ctools_context_optional::filter function includes/ Filter the contexts to determine which apply in the current environment.
ctools_context_required::filter function includes/ Filter the contexts to determine which apply in the current environment.
ctools_css_filter function includes/ Filter a chunk of CSS text.
ctools_css_filter_css_data function includes/ Run disassembled $css through the filter.
ctools_css_filter_default_allowed_properties function includes/ Provide a deafult list of allowed properties by the filter.
ctools_css_filter_default_allowed_values function includes/ Provide a default list of allowed values by the filter.
ctools_custom_content_ui::list_filter function ctools_custom_content/plugins/export_ui/ctools_custom_content_ui.class.php Determine if a row should be filtered out.
ctools_entity_from_schema_columns_filter function plugins/relationships/
ctools_export_ui::list_filter function plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php Determine if a row should be filtered out.
page_manager_page_form_basic_validate_filter function page_manager/plugins/tasks/
stylizer_ui::list_filter function stylizer/plugins/export_ui/stylizer_ui.class.php Determine if a row should be filtered out.
_ctools_context_filter function includes/ Helper function for ctools_context_filter().
_ctools_drush_export_module_filter function drush/ Filter a nested array of exportables by export module.
_ctools_drush_filter_exportables function drush/ Filters a collection of exportables based on filters.
_ctools_entity_field_value_filter_items_by_column function plugins/access/
_ctools_export_filter_export_tables function includes/