function _ctools_context_filter

Helper function for ctools_context_filter().

Used to transform the required context during the merge into the final array.

@internal This function DOES NOT form part of the CTools API.


array $contexts: A keyed array of all available contexts.

ctools_context_required|ctools_context_optional $required: A ctools_context_required or ctools_context_optional object, although if given something else will return an empty array.

Return value


1 call to _ctools_context_filter()
ctools_context_filter in includes/
Return a keyed array of context that match the given 'required context' filters.


includes/, line 535


function _ctools_context_filter($contexts, $required) {
    $result = array();
    if (is_object($required)) {
        $result = $required->filter($contexts);
    return $result;