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Title Object type File name Summary
CtoolsContextIDTestCase::testContextIdName function tests/context.test Test ctools_context_id where the context has an id and a name.
CtoolsContextIDTestCase::testContextIdNameType function tests/context.test Test ctools_context_id where the context has an id & name, and a type is specified.
ctools_argument_user_name_context function plugins/arguments/ Discover if this argument gives us the user we crave.
ctools_context_required::$skip_name_check property includes/ If TRUE, skip the check in ctools_context_required::select()
for contexts whose names may have changed.
ctools_export_ui::$name property plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
ctools_export_ui_edit_name_exists function plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php Test for #machine_name type to see if an export exists.
ctools_export_ui_edit_name_validate function plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php Validate that an export item name is acceptable and unique during add.
ctools_page_site_name_content_type_edit_form function plugins/content_types/page/ Settings form for the Site Name pane.
ctools_page_site_name_content_type_edit_form_submit function plugins/content_types/page/ The submit form stores the data in $conf.
ctools_page_site_name_content_type_render function plugins/content_types/page/ Output function for the 'page_site_name' content type.
ctools_stylizer_get_settings_name function includes/ Get a safe name for the settings.
ctools_stylizer_image_processor::$name property includes/
ctools_term_name_content_type_admin_title function plugins/content_types/term_context/ Returns the administrative title for a type.
ctools_term_name_content_type_edit_form function plugins/content_types/term_context/ Returns an edit form for custom type settings.
ctools_term_name_content_type_edit_form_submit function plugins/content_types/term_context/ Submit handler for the custom type settings form.
ctools_term_name_content_type_render function plugins/content_types/term_context/ Render the custom content type.
ctools_user_form_username_content_type_admin_title function plugins/content_types/user_form/ Ctools plugin admin title function for the username form field.
ctools_user_form_username_content_type_edit_form function plugins/content_types/user_form/ Ctools plugin configuration edit form for the username form field.
ctools_user_form_username_content_type_render function plugins/content_types/user_form/ Ctools plugin content type render for the username form field.
page_manager_handler_check_machine_name function page_manager/
page_manager_handler_get_name function page_manager/page_manager.module Generate a unique name for a task handler.
page_manager_make_task_name function page_manager/page_manager.module Turn a task id + subtask_id into a task name.
page_manager_page_get_named_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Get a list of named arguments in a page manager path. file plugins/content_types/page/ Plugin to handle the 'page_site_name' content type which allows the
site_name of the site to be embedded into a panel. file plugins/content_types/term_context/ file plugins/content_types/user_form/ file plugins/arguments/ Plugin to provide an argument handler for a username.
_ctools_drush_get_export_name function drush/ Gets the key for an exportable type.
_ctools_term_vocabulary_machine_name_convert function plugins/arguments/ Helper function to convert convert legacy vocabulary ids into machine names.
_term_depth_convert_config_vid_to_vocabulary_name function term_depth/plugins/access/