function hook_ctools_context_converter_alter

Alter the conversion of context items by ctools context plugin convert()s.


ctools_context $context: The current context plugin object. If this implemented a 'convert' function, the value passed in has been processed by that function.

string $converter: A string associated with the plugin type, identifying the operation.

string $value: The value being converted; this is the only return from the function.

array $converter_options: Array of key-value pairs to pass to a converter function from higher levels.

See also


1 invocation of hook_ctools_context_converter_alter()
ctools_context_convert_context in includes/
Let the context convert an argument based upon the converter that was given.


./ctools.api.php, line 278


function hook_ctools_context_converter_alter(ctools_context $context, $converter, &$value, array $converter_options) {
    if ($converter === 'mystring') {
        $value = 'fixed';