15 calls to ctools_add_js()

ctools_ajax_command_attr in includes/ajax.inc
Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
ctools_ajax_command_redirect in includes/ajax.inc
Force a client-side redirect.
ctools_ajax_command_reload in includes/ajax.inc
Force a reload of the current page.
ctools_ajax_command_submit in includes/ajax.inc
Submit a form.
ctools_ajax_sample_login_success in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
Post-login processor: should we go to the user account or stay in place?
ctools_ajax_sample_page in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
Page callback to display links and render a container for AJAX stuff.
ctools_custom_content_type_edit_form in plugins/content_types/custom/custom.inc
Returns an edit form for the custom type.
ctools_modal_add_js in includes/modal.inc
@file Implement a modal form using AJAX.
ctools_stylizer_edit_style_form_default in includes/stylizer.inc
The default stylizer style editing form.
template_preprocess_page_manager_edit_page in page_manager/theme/page_manager.theme.inc
Preprocess the page manager edit page.
theme_ctools_collapsible in includes/collapsible.theme.inc
Render a collapsible div.
theme_ctools_collapsible_remembered in includes/collapsible.theme.inc
Render a collapsible div whose state will be remembered.
theme_ctools_dropdown in includes/dropdown.theme.inc
Create a dropdown menu.
theme_ctools_style_icon in includes/stylizer.inc
Theme the style icon image
theme_links__ctools_dropbutton in includes/dropbutton.theme.inc
Create a dropbutton menu.