Sample plugin to provide an argument handler for a simplecontext.

Given any argument to the page, simplecontext will get it and turn it into a piece of data (a "context") just by adding some text to it. Normally, the argument would be a key into some database (like the node database, for example, and the result of using the argument would be to load a specific "context" or data item that we can use elsewhere.



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 * @file
 * Sample plugin to provide an argument handler for a simplecontext.
 * Given any argument to the page, simplecontext will get it
 * and turn it into a piece of data (a "context") just by adding some text to it.
 * Normally, the argument would be a key into some database (like the node
 * database, for example, and the result of using the argument would be to load
 * a specific "context" or data item that we can use elsewhere.

 * Plugins are described by creating a $plugin array which will be used
 * by the system that includes this file.
$plugin = array(
    'title' => t("Simplecontext arg"),
    // Keyword to use for %substitution.
'keyword' => 'simplecontext',
    'description' => t('Creates a "simplecontext" from the arg.'),
    'context' => 'simplecontext_arg_context',
    // placeholder_form is used in panels preview, for example, so we can
    // preview without getting the arg from a URL.
'placeholder form' => array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#description' => t('Enter the simplecontext arg'),

 * Get the simplecontext context using the arg. In this case we're just going
 * to manufacture the context from the data in the arg, but normally it would
 * be an API call, db lookup, etc.
function simplecontext_arg_context($arg = NULL, $conf = NULL, $empty = FALSE) {
    // If $empty == TRUE it wants a generic, unfilled context.
    if ($empty) {
        return ctools_context_create_empty('simplecontext');
    // Do whatever error checking is required, returning FALSE if it fails the test
    // Normally you'd check
    // for a missing object, one you couldn't create, etc.
    if (empty($arg)) {
        return FALSE;
    return ctools_context_create('simplecontext', $arg);


Title Deprecated Summary
simplecontext_arg_context Get the simplecontext context using the arg. In this case we're just going to manufacture the context from the data in the arg, but normally it would be an API call, db lookup, etc.