Deprecated - 8.x-3.x - ctools

Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Title File name Deprecation Type Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
EntityBundle src/Plugin/Deriver/EntityBundle.php

in ctools:8.x-1.10. Will be removed before ctools:4.1.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Entity\Plugin\Condition\Deriver\EntityBundle instead.

SerializableTempstore src/SerializableTempstore.php

in ctools 8.x-3.10. Will be removed before ctools:4.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\TempStore\SharedTempStore instead.

SerializableTempstoreFactory src/SerializableTempstoreFactory.php

in ctools 8.x-3.10. Will be removed before ctools:4.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\TempStore\SharedTempStoreFactory instead.


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