class shellColours

Class to deal with wrapping output strings with colour formatting for the shell.


Expanded class hierarchy of shellColours


drush/, line 964

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class shellColours {
    private static $foreground_colours = array(
        'black' => '0;30',
        'dark_gray' => '1;30',
        'blue' => '0;34',
        'light_blue' => '1;34',
        'green' => '0;32',
        'light_green' => '1;32',
        'cyan' => '0;36',
        'light_cyan' => '1;36',
        'red' => '0;31',
        'light_red' => '1;31',
        'purple' => '0;35',
        'light_purple' => '1;35',
        'brown' => '0;33',
        'yellow' => '1;33',
        'light_gray' => '0;37',
        'white' => '1;37',
    private static $background_colours = array(
        'black' => '40',
        'red' => '41',
        'green' => '42',
        'yellow' => '43',
        'blue' => '44',
        'magenta' => '45',
        'cyan' => '46',
        'light_gray' => '47',
     * shellColours constructor.
    private function __construct() {
     * Returns coloured string.
    public static function getColouredOutput($string, $foreground_colour = NULL, $background_colour = NULL) {
        $coloured_string = "";
        // Check if given foreground colour found.
        if ($foreground_colour) {
            $coloured_string .= "\x1b[" . self::$foreground_colours[$foreground_colour] . "m";
        // Check if given background colour found.
        if ($background_colour) {
            $coloured_string .= "\x1b[" . self::$background_colours[$background_colour] . "m";
        // Add string and end colouring.
        $coloured_string .= $string . "\x1b[0m";
        return $coloured_string;
     * Returns all foreground colour names.
    public static function getForegroundColours() {
        return array_keys(self::$foreground_colours);
     * Returns all background colour names.
    public static function getBackgroundColours() {
        return array_keys(self::$background_colours);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary
shellColours::$background_colours private static property
shellColours::$foreground_colours private static property
shellColours::getBackgroundColours public static function Returns all background colour names.
shellColours::getColouredOutput public static function Returns coloured string.
shellColours::getForegroundColours public static function Returns all foreground colour names.
shellColours::__construct private function shellColours constructor.