function _ctools_drush_count_exportables

Return an array of count information based on exportables array.


$exportables: Array of exportables to count.

Return value

Array of count data containing the following: 'total' - A total count of all exportables. 'exportables' - An array of exportable counts per table.

1 call to _ctools_drush_count_exportables()
ctools_drush_export_info in drush/
Drush callback: Export info.


drush/, line 846


function _ctools_drush_count_exportables($exportables) {
    $count = array(
        'exportables' => array(),
    foreach ($exportables as $table => $objects) {
        // Add the object count for each table.
        $count['exportables'][$table] = count($objects);
    // Once all tables have been counted, total these up.
    $count['total'] = array_sum($count['exportables']);
    return $count;