9 calls to ctools_get_content_type()

ctools_content_admin_info in includes/content.inc
Get the administrative title from a given content type.
ctools_content_admin_title in includes/content.inc
Get the administrative title from a given content type.
ctools_content_get_subtype in includes/content.inc
Given a content type and a subtype id, return the information about that content subtype.
ctools_content_get_subtypes in includes/content.inc
Get all of the individual subtypes provided by a given content type. This would be all of the blocks for the block type, or all of the views for the view type.
ctools_content_render in includes/content.inc
Get the content from a given content type.
ctools_content_type_new in ctools_custom_content/ctools_custom_content.module
Create callback for creating a new CTools custom content type.
ctools_node_body_content_type_render in plugins/content_types/node_context/node_body.inc
Render the custom content type.
views_content_views_row_content_type_admin_info in views_content/plugins/content_types/views_row.inc
_views_content_views_update_conf in views_content/plugins/content_types/views.inc
Update the $conf to deal with updates from Drupal 5.