function ctools_content_render

Get the content from a given content type.


$type: The content type. May be the name or an already loaded content type plugin.

$subtype: The name of the subtype being rendered.

$conf: The configuration for the content type.

$keywords: An array of replacement keywords that come from outside contexts.

$args: The arguments provided to the owner of the content type. Some content may wish to configure itself based on the arguments the panel or dashboard received.

$context: An array of context objects available for use.

$incoming_content: Any incoming content, if this display is a wrapper.

Return value

The content as rendered by the plugin, or NULL. This content should be an object with the following possible properties:

  • title: The safe to render title of the content.
  • title_heading: The title heading.
  • content: The safe to render HTML content.
  • links: An array of links associated with the content suitable for theme('links').
  • more: An optional 'more' link (destination only)
  • admin_links: Administrative links associated with the content, suitable for theme('links').
  • feeds: An array of feed icons or links associated with the content. Each member of the array is rendered HTML.
  • type: The content type.
  • subtype: The content subtype. These two may be used together as module-delta for block style rendering.
1 call to ctools_content_render()
ctools_ajax_simple_form in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module


includes/, line 273


function ctools_content_render($type, $subtype, $conf, $keywords = array(), $args = array(), $context = array(), $incoming_content = '') {
    if (is_array($type)) {
        $plugin = $type;
    else {
        $plugin = ctools_get_content_type($type);
    $subtype_info = ctools_content_get_subtype($plugin, $subtype);
    $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($subtype_info, 'render callback');
    if (!$function) {
        $function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'render callback');
    if ($function) {
        $pane_context = ctools_content_select_context($plugin, $subtype, $conf, $context);
        if ($pane_context === FALSE) {
        $content = $function($subtype, $conf, $args, $pane_context, $incoming_content);
        if (empty($content)) {
        // Set up some defaults and other massaging on the content before we hand
        // it back to the caller.
        if (!isset($content->type)) {
            $content->type = $plugin['name'];
        if (!isset($content->subtype)) {
            $content->subtype = $subtype;
        // Override the title if configured to.
        if (!empty($conf['override_title'])) {
            // Give previous title as an available substitution here.
            $keywords['%title'] = empty($content->title) ? '' : $content->title;
            $content->original_title = $keywords['%title'];
            $content->title = $conf['override_title_text'];
            $content->title_heading = isset($conf['override_title_heading']) ? $conf['override_title_heading'] : 'h2';
        if (!empty($content->title)) {
            // Perform substitutions.
            if (!empty($keywords) || !empty($context)) {
                $content->title = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($content->title, $keywords, $context);
            // Sterilize the title.
            $content->title = filter_xss_admin($content->title);
            // If a link is specified, populate.
            if (!empty($content->title_link)) {
                if (!is_array($content->title_link)) {
                    $url = array(
                        'href' => $content->title_link,
                else {
                    $url = $content->title_link;
                // Set defaults so we don't bring up notices.
                $url += array(
                    'href' => '',
                    'attributes' => array(),
                    'query' => array(),
                    'fragment' => '',
                    'absolute' => NULL,
                    'html' => TRUE,
                $content->title = l($content->title, $url['href'], $url);
        return $content;