function ctools_content_form

Get the config form.

The $form_info and $form_state need to be preconfigured with data you'll need such as whether or not you're using ajax, or the modal. $form_info will need your next/submit callbacks so that you can cache your data appropriately.

Return value

If this function returns false, no form exists.


includes/, line 595


function ctools_content_form($op, $form_info, &$form_state, $plugin, $subtype_name, $subtype, &$conf, $step = NULL) {
    $form_state += array(
        'plugin' => $plugin,
        'subtype' => $subtype,
        'subtype_name' => $subtype_name,
        'conf' => &$conf,
        'op' => $op,
    $form_info += array(
        'id' => 'ctools_content_form',
        'show back' => TRUE,
    // Turn the forms defined in the plugin into the format the wizard needs.
    if ($op == 'add') {
        if (!empty($subtype['add form'])) {
            _ctools_content_create_form_info($form_info, $subtype['add form'], $subtype, $subtype, $op);
        elseif (!empty($plugin['add form'])) {
            _ctools_content_create_form_info($form_info, $plugin['add form'], $plugin, $subtype, $op);
    if (empty($form_info['order'])) {
        // Use the edit form for the add form if add form was completely left off.
        if (!empty($subtype['edit form'])) {
            _ctools_content_create_form_info($form_info, $subtype['edit form'], $subtype, $subtype, $op);
        elseif (!empty($plugin['edit form'])) {
            _ctools_content_create_form_info($form_info, $plugin['edit form'], $plugin, $subtype, $op);
    if (empty($form_info['order'])) {
        return FALSE;
    return ctools_wizard_multistep_form($form_info, $step, $form_state);