function ctools_content_prepare_subtype

Ensure minimal required settings on a content subtype exist.

2 calls to ctools_content_prepare_subtype()
ctools_content_get_subtype in includes/
Given a content type and a subtype id, return the information about that content subtype.
ctools_content_get_subtypes in includes/
Get all of the individual subtypes provided by a given content type. This would be all of the blocks for the block type, or all of the views for the view type.


includes/, line 225


function ctools_content_prepare_subtype(&$subtype, $plugin) {
    foreach (array(
    ) as $key) {
        if (!isset($subtype[$key]) && isset($plugin[$key])) {
            $subtype[$key] = $plugin[$key];
    // Trigger hook_ctools_content_subtype_alter().
    drupal_alter('ctools_content_subtype', $subtype, $plugin);