function ctools_access_summary

Get a summary of an access plugin's settings.

Return value

string The summary text.

3 calls to ctools_access_summary()
ctools_access_admin_render_table in includes/
Render the table. This is used both to render it initially and to rerender it upon ajax response.
ctools_access_group_summary in includes/
Get a summary of a group of access plugin's settings.
ctools_context_handler_summary in includes/
Get the array of summary strings for the arguments.


includes/, line 1888


function ctools_access_summary($plugin, $contexts, $test) {
    if (!isset($contexts['logged-in-user'])) {
        $contexts['logged-in-user'] = ctools_access_get_loggedin_context();
    $description = '';
    if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin, 'summary')) {
        $required_context = isset($plugin['required context']) ? $plugin['required context'] : array();
        $context = isset($test['context']) ? $test['context'] : array();
        $selected_context = ctools_context_select($contexts, $required_context, $context);
        $description = $function($test['settings'], $selected_context, $plugin);
    if (!empty($test['not'])) {
        $description = "NOT ({$description})";
    return $description;