function ctools_get_context

Fetch metadata on a specific context plugin.


string $context: Name of a context.

Return value

array An array with information about the requested panel context.

14 calls to ctools_get_context()
ctools_context_convert_context in includes/
Let the context convert an argument based upon the converter that was given.
ctools_context_create in includes/
Create a new context object.
ctools_context_create_empty in includes/
Create an empty context object.
ctools_context_get_context_from_context in includes/
Return a context object from a context definition array.
ctools_context_keyword_substitute in includes/
Perform keyword and context substitutions.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'ctools_get_context'
ctools_context_info in includes/
Provide a list of the ways contexts can be embedded.


includes/, line 1460


function ctools_get_context($context) {
    static $gate = array();
    $plugin = ctools_get_plugins('ctools', 'contexts', $context);
    if (empty($gate['context']) && !empty($plugin['superceded by'])) {
        // This gate prevents infinite loops.
        $gate[$context] = TRUE;
        $new_plugin = ctools_get_plugins('ctools', 'contexts', $plugin['superceded by']);
        $gate[$context] = FALSE;
        // If a new plugin was returned, return it. Otherwise fall through and
        // return the original we fetched.
        if ($new_plugin) {
            return $new_plugin;
    return $plugin;