function theme_ctools_context_item_row

Theme the form item for the context entry.

3 theme calls to theme_ctools_context_item_row()
ctools_context_ajax_item_add in includes/
Ajax entry point to add an context
ctools_context_ajax_item_edit in includes/
Ajax entry point to edit an item
theme_ctools_context_item_form in includes/
Display the context item.


includes/, line 39


function theme_ctools_context_item_row($vars) {
    $type = $vars['type'];
    $form = $vars['form'];
    $position = $vars['position'];
    $count = $vars['count'];
    $with_tr = $vars['with_tr'];
    $output = '<td class="title">&nbsp;' . render($form['title']) . '</td>';
    if (!empty($form['position'])) {
        $output .= '<td class="position">&nbsp;' . render($form['position']) . '</td>';
    $output .= '<td class="operation">' . render($form['settings']);
    $output .= render($form['remove']) . '</td>';
    if ($with_tr) {
        $output = '<tr id="' . $type . '-row-' . $position . '" class="draggable ' . $type . '-row ' . ($count % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '">' . $output . '</tr>';
    return $output;