function _ctools_css_disassemble_declaration

1 call to _ctools_css_disassemble_declaration()
ctools_css_disassemble in includes/
Disassemble the css string.


includes/, line 345


function _ctools_css_disassemble_declaration($declaration) {
    $formatted_statement = array();
    $propval_pairs = explode(";", $declaration);
    // Make sure we actually have some properties to work with.
    if (!empty($propval_pairs)) {
        // Iterate through the remains and parse them.
        foreach ($propval_pairs as $key => $propval_pair) {
            // Check that we have a ':', otherwise it's an invalid pair.
            if (strpos($propval_pair, ':') === FALSE) {
            // Clean up the current property-value pair.
            $propval_pair = preg_replace("/[\n|\t|\\|\\s]+/", ' ', trim($propval_pair));
            // Explode the remaining fragements some more, but clean them up first.
            list($property, $value) = explode(':', $propval_pair, 2);
            // If the property survived, toss it onto the stack.
            if (!empty($property)) {
                $formatted_statement[trim($property)] = trim($value);
    return $formatted_statement;