function ctools_css_compress

Compress css data (filter it first!) to optimize for use on view.


array $css_data: An array of css data, as produced by @see ctools_css_disassemble() disassembler and the @see ctools_css_filter_css_data() filter.

Return value

string css optimized for use.

1 call to ctools_css_compress()
ctools_css_filter in includes/
Filter a chunk of CSS text.


includes/, line 248


function ctools_css_compress($css_data) {
    // Initialize the output.
    $css = '';
    // Iterate through all the statements.
    foreach ($css_data as $selector_str => $declaration) {
        if (empty($declaration)) {
            // Skip this statement if filtering removed all parts of the declaration.
        // Add the selectors, separating them with commas.
        $css .= $selector_str;
        // And, the opening curly brace.
        $css .= "{";
        // Iterate through all the statement properties.
        foreach ($declaration as $property => $value) {
            $css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';';
        // Add the closing curly brace.
        $css .= "}";
    // Return the output.
    return $css;