function ctools_css_store

Store CSS with a given id and return the filename to use.

This function associates a piece of CSS with an id, and stores the cached filename and the actual CSS for later use with ctools_css_retrieve.

3 calls to ctools_css_store()
CtoolsCssTestCase::testCssStoreFilterRetrieve in tests/css.test
Test that Stored CSS snippets can be retrieved, filtered or otherwise.
CtoolsCssTestCase::testCssStoreOverwrite in tests/css.test
Test that Stored CSS snippets can be correctly overwritten.
ctools_stylizer_build_style in includes/
Build the files for a stylizer given the proper settings.


includes/, line 68


function ctools_css_store($id, $css, $filter = TRUE) {
    $filename = db_query('SELECT filename FROM {ctools_css_cache} WHERE cid = :cid', array(
        ':cid' => $id,
    if ($filename && file_exists($filename)) {
    // Remove any previous records.
    db_delete('ctools_css_cache')->condition('cid', $id)
    $filename = ctools_css_cache($css, $filter);
        'cid' => $id,
        'filename' => $filename,
        'css' => $css,
        'filter' => intval($filter),
    return $filename;