function ctools_export_crud_new

Create a new object for the given $table.


$table: The name of the table to use to retrieve $schema values. This table must have an 'export' section containing data or this function will fail.

$set_defaults: If TRUE, which is the default, then default values will be retrieved from schema fields and set on the object.

Return value

The loaded object.

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includes/, line 47


function ctools_export_crud_new($table, $set_defaults = TRUE) {
    $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($table);
    $export = $schema['export'];
    if (!empty($export['create callback']) && function_exists($export['create callback'])) {
        return $export['create callback']($set_defaults);
    else {
        return ctools_export_new_object($table, $set_defaults);