function ctools_object_cache_test
Determine if another user has a given object cached.
This is very useful for 'locking' objects so that only one user can modify them.
$obj: A 128 character or less string to define what kind of object is being stored; primarily this is used to prevent collisions.
$name: The name of the object being removed.
$sid: The session id, allowing someone to use Session API or their own solution; defaults to session_id().
Return value
An object containing the UID and updated date if found; NULL if not.
1 call to ctools_object_cache_test()
- page_manager_get_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the cached changes to a given task handler.
includes/, line 140
function ctools_object_cache_test($obj, $name, $sid = NULL) {
if (!$sid) {
$sid = session_id();
return db_query('SELECT s.uid, c.updated FROM {ctools_object_cache} c INNER JOIN {sessions} s ON c.sid = s.sid WHERE s.sid <> :session_id AND c.obj = :obj AND = :name ORDER BY c.updated ASC', array(
':session_id' => $sid,
':obj' => $obj,
':name' => md5($name),